Wednesday, 22 November 2017


AIB are launching the "AIB Future Sparks Festival", soecifically designed to introduce Senior Cycle students to the inspirational world of careers in business. This interactive educational event will take place on Thursday 22nd March 2018 in the RDS main Hall + Shelvbourne in Dublin.
First 30 names to Ms. Farren before Friday 1st DEcember.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017


Will open entries in January 2018. We want you to get creative by telling us the story of your stuff—all you have to do is pick an object ( any object), research its life story ( how it’s made and what it becomes when it’s recycled), and visually tell us its story. We look forward to lots of wonderful entries!.
Check out  The story of a Pencil, the story of an apple, the story of an orange. 

Young Animator of the Year

NATIONAL CALL – Call for entries opens on 4th September 2017 and deadline for entry is 31st January 2018

UCD History and Health Competition 1913-1923

UCD History and Health is a new team competition for Transition Year students for the 2017-18 academic year. It aims to commemorate the events of 1913-1923 in a creative and multidisciplinary way, linking past and present, science and humanities.


ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards

Registration for the Young Environmentalist Awards 2018 closes this Friday 24th Nov.

Lifeline's White Ribbon Campaign

As part of the Lifeline's White Ribbon Campaign , on Thursday 23rd Nov. the TY's will be hosting a Soccer friendly with Moville Communtiy College.

Careers Talk Day Friday 24th November.

All Transition Year Students will be given the unique opportunity to participate in a Careers Talk Day on Friday 24th November. 5B are organising the event and to date have 21 guests invited form all different backgorunds/education/ careers. It will be an interesting day. Get the questions ready!


DCU School of Physical Sciences will host a workshop on Spectroscopy and Optics for secondary level students. This will take place in Dublin on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th December. Any students interested let Ms. Farren know before Wednesday 29th November.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

TY Student of the Month ( October)

Congratulations to the following students:
TYA- Killian Mc Carron
TYB- Olivia Harkin
TYC- Ellie Doherty
TYD- Lorcan Diver
TYE- Jessica Coyle

Monday, 13 November 2017

A few updates for Campaign Academy, Donegal.
Max Number - 7 students from the school. Anyone interested let me( Ms. Farren) know before Wednesday 15th November. 
Dates and venue
First session is An Grianan Hotel, Burt. As for the date, I am hoping to hold session one on Tuesday 9th January and it will run from approximately 10am to 3.00pm. After this session, students will need to begin planning and carrying out there in school/community campaigns. After our first session, we will find a date for the next session.  All sessions will be fully supervised by Concern members of staff who are Garda vetted – we are delighted if you or another member of staff are able to come along with your students but appreciate that getting substitution can be a challenge. You Once the venue is confirmed, I will send out permission slips which need to be completed for each student.

Regarding the transport, we will cover travel costs and I can look into hiring a small bus to collect from schools which are near to each other. To give you an idea of the schools who are interested, we currently have:
Loreto Letterkenny
Moville Community College
Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana
Carndonagh Community School
Mulroy College, Loreto Milford

The residential:
In terms of the residential, I am trying to find a centre which is half way between both Donegal and Dublin to cater for both campaign academy in Dublin and Donegal. I will keep you updated on this but this hopefully will take place late January time after discussion with all teachers involved.

Next steps:
Finally, if you could let me know the names of the students that you wish to take part. We can take a maximum of seven from each school. I understand that this is a small number, but the aim is that the students who come along will get the rest of their peers involved! 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

We would like to keep your school updated with the latest information from Griffith College Dublin. If you would be so kind as to forward this to the relevant Guidance Counsellor or teacher I would be grateful!
Business Enterprise Competition 2018 - Now Open for Entries
With a 1st Place Prize of 1000Eur and a 500Eur Equipment Bursary for the winning school, this is one not to miss. We are inviting enterprising TY, 5th and 6th year students to enter their business idea to our annual competition. With a record breaking number of entries recieved last year, we hope to see an entry or two from you this year! 
More Information
CAO Open Day - 17th November 2017 10am - 2pm
We will have sample talks, interactive activities from our creative faculties, campus tours and members of each faculty to answer any questions your students have. We are offering a 100Eur bus grant for any school bringing over 25 students.
Register Today
Let me know if you have any questions on either of these exciting activities.
Kind regards,
Emily Watts
Business Admissions

Make One Change Campaign (Parent Hub Donegal)

We are inviting TY students from around the county to take part in a competition to design a poster for the campaign. Closing date for entries is Friday 17th November. Entries are individual - not group or class.

Information Letter

The European Youth Parliament

The European Youth Parliament conference in Galway City is now OPEN for all TYs and 5th years. For those that were having issues with the PayPal link, we have attached a new link in the registration form below.

WHEN: Deadline for registration closes on the 17th of November. The event will take place from the 24th-26th of November
WHERE: Participants outside of Galway City will be accommodated in Snoozles Hostel, next to the bus station. The conference will be held in Coláiste Íognáid and in NUIG
WHO: The event is open to all Transition year and Fifth year students

More information about the European Youth Parliament can be found in the booklet attached below.

Download the European Youth Parliament booklet

Registration Form

Look into Law TY Programme

Look into Law TY programme: Nominations are open until Monday 20th November for our work experience programme which takes place Monday 5th to Friday 9th February 2018. There are 100 places available and we give at least 20% of those places to DEIS schools, in fact last year 29 students from DEIS schools were offered places on the 2017 programme, as the lottery system is weighted in favour of DEIS schools. If you have not yet sent in a nomination from your school, please do so before the closing date of Monday 20th November. Only one nomination accepted per school.  Full details are available on our website at this link:

Look Into Law Transition Year Programme - Law Library of ...

The Bar of Ireland's "Look into Law" Transition Year Programme is an exciting initiative aimed at increasing students' awareness of the work of The Bar of Ireland and ...

The Denham Fellowship: Recognising the challenges facing students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who wish to become a barrister, The Bar of Ireland, with King’s Inns, launched a fellowship named after our former Chief Justice. This fellowship will assist two aspiring barristers annually to gain access to professional legal education at the King’s Inns and professional practice at the Law Library. This involves waiving of fees for King’s Inns and The Bar of Ireland plus an annual stipend of €6,000 as well as mentorship. For full details please go to:

Download the Denham Fellowship flyer

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

A busy week commencing Monday 9th October so make sure all permission slips are signed and brought back to Room 312 before Friday 6th  October.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Let the battle commence. The Annual TY versus Teacher GAA match kicks off at 2.00pm Friday 29th September. A number of teachers have been in secret training for the last few months and hoping that it will be a walk in the park for them. 3.20pm might tell a different story!!!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

TY Legal Team - GoFundMe Link!!!!!

We are counting on all the good people of Inishowen; citizens, business people, parents and past pupils to rally behind our Legal Eagles and help them raise the money needed to get them to New York. Thank you.

Friday, 2 June 2017

SEC Attendant Positions.

Apologies for the delay. We have been exceptionally busy.
Below is the list of the successful applicants for the State Examinations Commission attendant positions.

Donal Doherty
Caiti Farren
Caoimhe Ruddy
Ella Devlin
Aidan Doherty
Jake Harkin
Amy Doherty (Mock Exams!)
Kate Hunter
Brigid Doherty
Shanice O'Donnell
Aileen Doherty
Sorcha Hession
Aisling McCarron
Aimée Donaghey

Thank you to all who applied. As always, demand exceeds supply and we are sorry to disappoint some excellent candidates who made a huge contribution during their time in TY.  Only applicants who paid their TY Fee in full were eligible to go into the draw.

Successful applicants must present to Mr McGuinness' office on Tue 6th June 2017 @ 10 a.m. sharp to meet with their respective supervisors, receive their instructions and prepare their exam centres.
Anyone on the above list who is unable to take up their appointment should email Mr McGuinness immediately to so that the position may be offered to another pupil.

Enjoy yourselves at the TY party tonight and have a great summer! ☀️

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Parent/Guardian Evaluation of TY Programme 2016-2017

We would be very grateful if parents /guardians of the TY Class of 2016-2017 would take a few moments to complete the survey below.  This feedback is very important to us and informs future planning for the TY Programme.

Thank you very much.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

TY Fee

Thanks to all who have paid the balance of their TY fee in recent days. We have many bills to pay before the school year ends, not least of which being the SHARE bill of €16,000. If you owe money, the best thing to do is put it in an envelope marked with your name and class and slide it under my office door (beside R.125). I will mark you off and leave a receipt for you on the table at reception. As already stated, a list of successful candidates for the SEC attendant / caretaker positions will be posted on the TY blog early next week.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

State Exams Attendant Positions

It has come to our attention that a lot of TY fees are outstanding. Only pupils who have paid their TY fee IN FULL will be considered for the upcoming SEC attendant positions or care taking posts. Please contact your class teacher or Ms McGeehin at if in doubt as to the amount owed. Applicants will be selected on Tue 30th June and the list of successful candidates will be posted here on the TY blog.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

TY Awards Ceremony - Time change

The TY Awards Ceremony will be held in the Aras on Tue 23rd May @8 p.m. and not at 7 p.m. as stated in the Zodiac. This is to allow the girls competing in the finals of the ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalists Awards a chance to make it back from Dublin. We look forward to seeing you all there on the night and to celebrating what has been for all of you a fantastic year!  

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Engineering Expo - Sligo IT is cancelled

The trip to the Engineering Expo in Sligo IT tomorrow, Thurs 4th May 2017 has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers. Only 6 pupils returned their permission slip and bus fee on time. Interested pupils should feel free to travel independently to the event if they so wish.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Todds Leap Trip is entirely up to you guys!!!!!

Whether or not we celebrate our TY year with a last hurrah to Todds Leap is completely dependent on the ability and the will of TYs to:
1) attend school
2) go to class
3) get to class on time
If current trends continue, the trip to Todds Leap will be cancelled. You have been warned!

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Public Services Card - Last Chance!!!

The new Public Services Card
The Department of  Social Protection will be in C.C.S. again next week (Tue 2nd May) to complete the TY applications for the Public Services Card.  I will contact the pupils who have already submitted their documentation. Anyone who has taken their documentation back for whatever reason, but wishes to apply for a Public Services Card should return the documentation to me immediately in R.132.   

Attendant Positions - State Examinations Commission

It's that time of year again when the quest begins for the highly coveted positions of Attendant during the State Exams. The duties of Attendant include manning the entrance to the exam centre and barring entry to the centre to all but State Examinations personnel with valid ID and/or school authorities. The Attendant must be available to carry out any task required of them by the Supervisor in the course of their duties, together with ensuring that there is no noise outside the centre. Tea/coffee will have to be brought to the Supervisor twice daily.   Only TYs with an excellent record for attendance and punctuality should apply.   Applicants should prepare a C.V. and cover letter outlining their contribution to C.C.S. generally and specifically during TY, together with details of their engagement with the opportunities offered during Transition Year. All documentation should be brought to Ms McGeehin in R.132 on or before Fri 12th May 2017. Shortlisting of candidates will occur.  Successful applicants will be notified before the end of May. Best of luck!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

TY Legal Eagles make CCS history! ⚖

Congratulations to the CCS TY National Mock Trial Team who won all three of their cases in the Criminal Courts of Justice, Dublin on Sat 8th April 2017. As one of the top four teams in the country,the CCS team now proceeds to the Semi-Finals on Sat 6th May. But that's not all! The final four teams in the competition are invited to represent Ireland in the US Mock Trial Competition in New York in October!! Well done to everyone! The 18 member team consists of Adam Mullins, Aidan Doherty, Aimee Donaghey, Aisling McCarron, Ben Nelson, Bridget Doherty, Chantelle McLaughlin, Ciara McGonagle, Daniel McCormick, Danielle Houghton, Ellen Keyes, Ellen Simmons, Evan McLaughlin, Jordan Doherty, Kate Hunter, Nathan Crumlish, Rori Doherty & Shaun Hirrell. A HUGE thank you to Mr Dónal McGuinness BL for all his guidance and support. We are very grateful. Thanks also to Garda Sean McLaughlin for lending us Garda props and to Mr Dessie Doherty for lending us his lucky bell!

Friday, 31 March 2017

Auditions for National Mock Trial Competition 2017

There will be auditions for the CCS National Mock Trial team in the Board room during lunchtime from Mon 3rd -Thurs 6th April 2017. We will select our 19 team members based on attendance and work rate. Bring your lunch with you. The team will depart for Dublin on Fri 7th April and the competition takes place on Sat 8th April in the Criminal Courts of Justice. Please consult the National Mock Trial booklet 2017 at and familiarize yourselves with the two cases.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Message from Inishowen Carnival Group

From: Inishowen Carnival Group <>
Sent: 22 March 2017 10:44
To: Elaine Farren
Subject: thanks

Hi Elaine

Can you please pass on my thanks to all the students who took part so enthusiastically in the Dublin St Patrick's Parade. We have had lots of positive comments on our section of the parade, including the energetic performance and audience interaction from our performers and i am delighted with how everything went on the day.

The participation of the transition year students is a vital part of our performance, finding 60 people willing to dance and drag props of various shapes and sizes round the streets of Dublin is not an easy task and we are very grateful for your participation these last few years.

I probably shouldn't single anyone out, but the boys pulling the merman prop probably had the hardest job on the day - largest, heaviest most awkward prop (with a burst tyre to add to the trouble for the last part of the parade) and they didn’t stop working for the whole two + hours of the parade to make sure they never lost touch with the group in front of them.

So thanks again to everyone for taking part and I hope they all enjoyed the experience.

Many thanks

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

IMMRAMA - Lismore Festival of Travel Writing - TY Competition!

Write an 800 word short story about your favourite air journey and where it took you! Winning stories will be published nationally and in the Aer Lingus in-flight magazine Cara.
Prizes - a mini-iPad and Amazon voucher worth Euro 100. Closing Date; May 20th 2017. See for further details.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Engineering Expo 2017 @ the Knocknarea Arena IT Sligo

Free entry to engineering Expo from 10am to 7pm on May the 4th.  This may be of interest to TYS thinking of pursuing studies in Engineering. There is NO guarantee that a bus will go from CCS. It may be that pupils would have to make their own way to Sligo IT. Watch this space. Interested pupils must come and give me their name immediately.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Public Access to Law Workshop - Mon 27th March OR Tue 28th March in R.132 after roll call

PAL Workshop (Group 1) 2017 – Mon 27th March- Bring a pen and paper! 


Rachel Devlin
Kyle Logue-Davis
Katie Durey   
 Megan Gallagher
Cliona Gibbons
 Ciara Ivers
Cormac Conway
Kate Grant

  Caoimhe Ruddy
 Sorcha Hession
 Rori Doherty
  Laura Cobo
  Conor McGeoghegan
  Eimear Smith

  Adam Mullins
 Sean Hirrell
  Evan McLaughlin
 Danielle Houghton

  Neil Doherty
Adam Crumlish
Aimee Donaghy
 Brigid Doherty

PAL Workshop (Group 2) 2017 – Tue 28th March- Bring a pen and paper! 

Caiti Farren
   Ciara McGonagle
Ciaran Doherty
 Laura McGeoghegan
Margaret Dickie
 Chloe McLaughlin
 Drew Fahey
  Nathan Crumlish
 Katlyn Grant
 Ben Nelson

Ellen Simmons
 Maurita Doherty
 Chantelle McLaughlin
  Aidan Doherty
  Shanice O’Donnell


  Rory McElroy
Keith Watson

Aisling McCarron
  Amy Doherty

 Eilish Lafferty

Gringott's Bank Through to the AIB Build a Bank Finals!!!!!

On 16th March, after a quick detour, Gringotts Bank arrived at the Leopardstown Racecourse for the regional finals of AIB's Build a Bank Challenge. After perfecting their display and a grilling from two separate judging panels, the girls' presentation skills shone through and they were selected to attend the National Final in The RDS on the 25th April. Congratulations to Ellen Simmon, Brigid Doherty, Eimear Smith, Aisling McCarron, Rachel Devlin and Katie Durey and not forgetting Mrs Mary Harkin. The pupils won E50 each and E200 for their school.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Twelve Angry Men

In preparation for the upcoming Public Access to Law workshop, the classic black and white film Twelve Angry Men will be shown to all TYS in the Aras during periods 4-6 on Tue 21st March 2017. Please go to class after the morning break and your teacher will accompany you to the Aras after roll call.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

The Story of Your Stuff Competition

This is an EPA competition to get pupils thinking about where their stuff comes from and reflecting on the life cycle of everyday objects.  The winning entry wins E500 for themselves and E500 for their school. Unleash your creativity and tell the story of your stuff less than 90 seconds! Pick an object - any object! - research its origins and visually tell its story. How you tell the Story of Your Stuff is up to you - whether it's through a video, a storyboard, a comic book illustration or anything else you can think of!!!!
Enter in 3 quick steps;
1, Fill in the form 2. Upload entry 3. Click send!

Please see link:  Closing Date is 30th March 2017!!!! See TY notice board for additional information/ideas.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

TYS needed to support adult learners of IT in Carndonagh Library in May

Do you have what it takes to support and encourage adult learners of IT during their classes in Carndonagh Library in the month of May? There will be a teacher in charge. The role of the TYS will be to assist the adult learners as they try things out. These classes are organised every year as part of the Bealtaine Festival.   The dates are Friday 5th May, Friday 12th May, Friday 19th May and Friday 26th May from 11 a.m. until between 12.00 and 12.15 p.m. If interested please write your name on the TY notice board on the mall.  

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

St.Patrick's Day Preparations Get Underway!

There will be a dress rehearsal in the Aras on Fri 3rd March during periods 6 & 7 (1.20 - 2.20 p.m.) for the 57 TYS who have signed up for the Inishowen Carnival Group St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin. It won't be long now folks!!!

You've heard of speed dating......?

Tomorrow, Thurs 2nd March is World Book Day. To celebrate, Ms Crawford has organised a  'Speed Booking' session for the TYS in the Aras during periods 3 and 4! While romance is not the objective of the venture, neither is it precluded!!!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

It's that time of year again when everything goes green......St.Patrick's Day Parade!!

Inishowen Carnival Group will be visiting CCS on Tue 28th Feb from 9.30 a.m - 10.30 a.m.

Any TY who wishes to take part in this year's St.Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin should give their name in advance of this meeting to Ms Elaine Farren on the 3rd corridor.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Thinking about a career in Engineering?

 Engineering Your Future - TY Programme

Applications are now being accepted for Engineering Your Future - a week-long, hands-on programme designed to introduce TY students to the exciting and diverse world of engineering. The programme, supported by STEPS at Engineers Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland, will be hosted by a number of third-level institutes around the country in May 2017, including:
  • DIT (Dublin Institute of Technology)
  • UCD (University College Dublin)
  • IT Tallaght
  • IADT (Dun Laoghaire Institute of Technology)
  • CIT (Cork Institute of Technology)
  • IT Carlow
  • WIT (Waterford Institute of Technology)
  • IT Sligo (*coming soon*)

Interested students must fill in an application form and, if accepted, agree to pay a small fee to take part. (Fees are waived for students attending DEIS schools.)
Applications will remain open until 10th March.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Bus Eireann Competition

Bus Eireann competition - 'Go Places with Bus Eireann'
  • 5 regional prizes to be won - E3,000 cash prize for schools of winning entries
  • Overall winner wins day out for their class to Tayto Park 
  • Individual or group entries welcome
Entries are invited under 5 categories including;
'Safety', 'Technology & Communication', 'Environment & Sustainability', 'Community' and 'Society, Culture or Sport'. Entry formats: Either video, a written submission, a PowerPoint presentation or an academic poster.

Bus Eireann would like to hear from TYS about how school transport and public bus transport can best support schools and the wider public.

For more information:

 Deadline 5 p.m. March 16th 2017

Ocean FM - Radio Broadcasting Workshop

Ocean FM are offering a one-day TY radio workshop.  Fee is E30 per pupil to be paid in advance. On this course, the students will learn more about an active media environment and how to record, edit and produce their own radio show; by the end of the day, they will have created their own 20 minute program.  If interested, please give your name to Ms McGeehin in R.132

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Work Experience with An Garda Siochana

An Garda Siochana - Buncrana Division - kindly offers the possibility of work placements to two CCS pupils per year - to be shared between LCA and TY programmes. For the year 2016-2017 both places are already taken; Shanice O'Donnell TYB & Daniel McCormick TYE. Please do not contact Buncrana Garda Station! 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Strictly Come Dancing 'TY Edition'

TY @ CCS are proud to present their version of Strictly Come Dancing on the following dates;

Monday 13th Feb 2017 & 
Wed 15th February 2017

Everyone will have other plans for Valentine's Day! 

Admission - Adult 10 Euro
                  - Child/Student  5 Euro

Doors open @ 6.30 p.m.
Show starts @ 7.00 p.m.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Red Cross First Aid Course

The Red Cross first aid course continues this Thurs 12th Jan from 10.40 - 12.40 for Group 1 - Week 5. Those who have signed up to Group 2 will commence on Thurs 26th Jan provided that everything goes according to plan with the current group.