Saturday, 27 May 2017

TY Fee

Thanks to all who have paid the balance of their TY fee in recent days. We have many bills to pay before the school year ends, not least of which being the SHARE bill of €16,000. If you owe money, the best thing to do is put it in an envelope marked with your name and class and slide it under my office door (beside R.125). I will mark you off and leave a receipt for you on the table at reception. As already stated, a list of successful candidates for the SEC attendant / caretaker positions will be posted on the TY blog early next week.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

State Exams Attendant Positions

It has come to our attention that a lot of TY fees are outstanding. Only pupils who have paid their TY fee IN FULL will be considered for the upcoming SEC attendant positions or care taking posts. Please contact your class teacher or Ms McGeehin at if in doubt as to the amount owed. Applicants will be selected on Tue 30th June and the list of successful candidates will be posted here on the TY blog.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

TY Awards Ceremony - Time change

The TY Awards Ceremony will be held in the Aras on Tue 23rd May @8 p.m. and not at 7 p.m. as stated in the Zodiac. This is to allow the girls competing in the finals of the ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalists Awards a chance to make it back from Dublin. We look forward to seeing you all there on the night and to celebrating what has been for all of you a fantastic year!  

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Engineering Expo - Sligo IT is cancelled

The trip to the Engineering Expo in Sligo IT tomorrow, Thurs 4th May 2017 has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers. Only 6 pupils returned their permission slip and bus fee on time. Interested pupils should feel free to travel independently to the event if they so wish.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Todds Leap Trip is entirely up to you guys!!!!!

Whether or not we celebrate our TY year with a last hurrah to Todds Leap is completely dependent on the ability and the will of TYs to:
1) attend school
2) go to class
3) get to class on time
If current trends continue, the trip to Todds Leap will be cancelled. You have been warned!