Wednesday, 21 June 2017

TY Legal Team - GoFundMe Link!!!!!

We are counting on all the good people of Inishowen; citizens, business people, parents and past pupils to rally behind our Legal Eagles and help them raise the money needed to get them to New York. Thank you.

Friday, 2 June 2017

SEC Attendant Positions.

Apologies for the delay. We have been exceptionally busy.
Below is the list of the successful applicants for the State Examinations Commission attendant positions.

Donal Doherty
Caiti Farren
Caoimhe Ruddy
Ella Devlin
Aidan Doherty
Jake Harkin
Amy Doherty (Mock Exams!)
Kate Hunter
Brigid Doherty
Shanice O'Donnell
Aileen Doherty
Sorcha Hession
Aisling McCarron
Aimée Donaghey

Thank you to all who applied. As always, demand exceeds supply and we are sorry to disappoint some excellent candidates who made a huge contribution during their time in TY.  Only applicants who paid their TY Fee in full were eligible to go into the draw.

Successful applicants must present to Mr McGuinness' office on Tue 6th June 2017 @ 10 a.m. sharp to meet with their respective supervisors, receive their instructions and prepare their exam centres.
Anyone on the above list who is unable to take up their appointment should email Mr McGuinness immediately to so that the position may be offered to another pupil.

Enjoy yourselves at the TY party tonight and have a great summer! ☀️

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Parent/Guardian Evaluation of TY Programme 2016-2017

We would be very grateful if parents /guardians of the TY Class of 2016-2017 would take a few moments to complete the survey below.  This feedback is very important to us and informs future planning for the TY Programme.

Thank you very much.